Podiatry treatments

At Stillorgan Podiatry Clinic we are committed to providing the best possible clinical services for our patients in our relaxed and friendly clinic. We use the most up-to-date assessment methods to accurately diagnose your foot pain or problem to develop the most effective treatment plan for a wide range of injuries and conditions. We always aim to treat the cause of your problem, not just the symptoms.



Nail Trimming

Long toenails can be uncomfortable and inconvenient. People with back and other problems/injuries may be unable to cut their own nails. Our podiatrist can aid by cutting and filing of elongated toenails. 



Ingrown toenails

The problem with an ingrown toenail is that it can be very painful. A corner/edge of the nail grows into the skin causing pain and discomfort. If left untreated infection may occur. Our podiatrists can help by cutting back the edge of the nail growing into the skin

Toenail Surgery

Dr Adrian Rutledge is a local General Practitioner who specialises in minor surgical procedures. He has been performing toenail surgery since 2014. He now performs toenail surgery at Stillorgan Podiatry Clinic.

The procedure takes approx 40minutes and is carried out under local anesthesia. A partial nail resection is performed with a chemical phenolisation to the nail matrix to reduce the risk of recurrence. Complete recovery from the surgery takes approximately 4-6wks.




A bunion is commonly referred to as a “bump” on the joint at the base of the big toe. The big toe leans toward the second toe, rather than pointing straight ahead. This throws the bones out of alignment. Patients often feel stiffness and pain when the big toe moves. A bunion can cause problems with finding footwear that fits comfortably as the forefoot tends to widen, which can lead to calluses, corns and sometimes ingrown toenails.

Our podiatrists will recommend the best conservative treatment options to help alleviate pain and provide more comfort as well as assessing your footwear and offering advice on what footwear would be best suited to you.

  • A full bio-mechanical assessment may be carried out to assess if your gait (the way you walk) is contributing to more pain in your feet and bunion

  • Custom made orthotics may be prescribed as they can be helpful in altering your gait and giving more comfort in your joint affected by the bunion

  • Padding may be helpful in reducing pain/discomfort in the bunion area

  • Calluses and corns may be removed if appropriate

If conservative treatment doesn’t seem to work our podiatrists may refer you for surgery on your bunion. Various surgical techniques are available for bony abnormalities for bunions. The procedure will be selected based on patient presentation, medical history and the surgeon’s choice.


Swift Microwave Therapy

Finally, a solution for stubborn warts and verruca!

Unlike most treatments that are designed to destroy the skin, the Swift Treatment uses thermal energy to heat the skin and produce an immune response. The body’s immune system is very sensitive to heat and achieving a temperature between 41-43C (known as the ‘hyperthermia’ zone) produces a stronger effect, helping the body naturally clear the virus which causes warts and verrucae.


Heel pain

Heel pain can be caused by a number of different conditions. Plantar Fasciitis is the most common condition linked to heel pain, which is caused by stretching, micro tears or a rupture of the plantar fascia, the fibrous band that supports the arch of the foot. 

The heel pain is often especially apparent first thing in the morning when the sufferer takes their first steps, or after being seated  for a long period of time. Factors that may contribute to plantar fasciitis include, excessive over pronation when walking, flat feet, being overweight or sudden increases in activity levels.

Our podiatrists can diagnose if your foot pain is in fact plantar fasciitis or another foot condition that affects the tendons, ligaments or bones in the heel and arch area of your foot. Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis may include: 

  • Calf leg muscle and plantar fascia stretching and strengthening exercise programme

  • Address bio-mechanical issue using custom made orthotics

  • Taping and strapping of the plantar fascia

  • Icing the area (rolling a bottle of water from the freezer under the foot)

  • Avoiding barefoot walking

  • Footwear advice

  • Weight loss advice


callus and corns.png

Corns & Calluses

Corns, calluses or hard skin can be painful and uncomfortable. Our podiatrists will remove the hard skin using sharps debridement. Offloading the area after sharps debridement will take pressure off the area and slow down the reoccurrence of the corn or calluses.  




Verrucas are common warts of the feet caused by a virus. Our podiatrists will carry out treatment to remove the hard skin, freeze the verruca and use salicylic acid to exfoliate the skin until it clears up. Offloading of the lesion will also be performed to take pressure off it.



Diabetic foot care

It is important for diabetic patients to take extra care of their feet as diabetes can cause some serious issues. Our podiatrists can carry out quick tests to determine if there is any sensation loss in the feet or a reduction in circulation. They can also offer advice on how to look after the diabetic foot, on suitable footwear and orthotics if needed.



Bio-mechanical foot assessment
& gait Analysis

Our podiatrists can carry out a full bio-mechanical assessment and gait analysis to check for any abnormalities which may be contributing to foot pain or causing impediment to performance. Oisin and his team have particular interest in Sports Injury and Performance. They can prescribe bespoke made orthotics/insoles and give guidance on suitable footwear to help correct any bio-mechanical issues and reduce foot pain or injury. If necessary, a stretching/strengthening programme may be given to the patient.

See below information on 3D Bespoke orthotics/insoles.


3D BESPOKE Orthotics/Insoles

Industry Leading Technology, Award-Winning Orthotics, Unrivalled Results...

Foot, knee, hip and back pain is commonly a result of poor biomechanics, often stemming from the feet. If left untreated, these problems can lead to further injury and discomfort.



Lacuna Method — Fungal nail treatment

Fungal Nail Infection (Onychomycosis) is the most difficult of the superficial fungal infections to treat, as most topical agents can be ineffective at penetrating the nail plate to reach the active infection on the nail bed (the skin under the nail). By making micro holes in the nail plate with the innovative and specially designed micro burrs, your Podiatrist can enable the anti-fungal agent, such as Lamisil Spray, to directly penetrate and reach the infected nail bed. By spraying directly over the micro-holes, the spray will spread under the nail as you walk. With daily application of the anti-fungal agent the fungus is stopped from spreading and the damaged nail grows out. Because the nail is dead you cannot feel the holes being made (phew!).

The Lacuna Method for fungal nails is pain free safe treatment, making micro holes in the nail plate to allow anti-fungal medicine to reach the point of infection directly under the nail. Continued, once-a-day application of an anti-fungal spray allows the nail to grow out healthy.



Nail reconstruction

This revolutionary treatment will transform damaged or fungal nails or even missing toenails into a natural looking nail. Using the Wilde Pedique products a natural looking finish can be achieved in around 15 minutes (per nail). The nail will last for around 4 to 6 weeks in most cases with normal activities. The new nail will be ready for varnish etc but this is not a service we offer (you need to attend a beauty clinic for this!).